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Different Dogs...

Every canine has its own breed standard...  The Poodles with their curly hair, the German Short Haired Pointers with their short hair, and the Golden Retrievers with their long, shiny hair.  Each dog is different, so each price is different.  If your breed isn't listed, or you have a mixed breed, please call in advance to make sure the price is right for your budget!

"Bad" Breeds

Pitt Bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans, and any other breed that has a history of "bad genes" (ill-tempered, biting, fighting) are allowed, however, only on the grounds that the owner stay for the first grooming session.  One grooming session will tell Lee Ann or Jamie if the dog is of good temper not to bite.  Dogs are kept from each other in pet taxis with the exception of two dogs being out at the same time for grooming.


What's Your Pooch's Name? 
Is it a he or a she? 



What breed(s) is your dog?
How old is your dog?
How long have you been mom/dad?
Best memory:
Favorite Toys

Why did you name your dog what you did?
Tell us more!
Your Name
Your City, State
Where can we find a photo of your dog?

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